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Vietnam deploys to UN peacekeeping mission in Sudan


Vietnam deploys to UN peacekeeping mission in Sudan

Vietnam begins Sudan UN peacekeeping depoyment
The pictured engineering unit will go on deployment from Vietnam to Sudan for a UN peacekeeping mission – Photo: Vietnam News Agency

Vietnam will be transporting goods and equipment today as part of its engineering unit’s first participation in the United Nations peacekeeping operations at the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

Since 2014, Vietnam has actively contributed to the UN peacekeeping force and in 2018, the country provided aid for the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Today, 2,000 tons of military engineering equipment and goods will be shipped from Hai Phong Port to the Sudan Port.

This deployment of Vietnam’s engineering company to UNISFA was aided by Japan, part of a collaborative effort to strengthen military ties between the two countries. Vietnam will also be receiving Australia’s assistance in transporting personnel to South Sudan later in the year, strengthening strategic ties between the two countries.

Expect to see a continual presence of Vietnam in UN peacekeeping missions as it establishes its presence on the international stage. Vietnam’s military collaboration with Japan and Australia could likely translate into the latter two countries’ increased presence in the Indo-Pacific. Most importantly, Vietnam’s activities could signal its direction toward cultivating a stronger military presence in the South China Sea.

See Also
Photo: AP Photo/Boris Grdanoski

04/03/2022 09:46 EST – UPDATE: The deployment will begin on Monday April 4th.

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