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Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elects New Speaker


Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elects New Speaker

Uttar Pradesh speaker election will be held today.
Uttar Pradesh assembly building, where the legislation will elect a new speaker today. Photo: IANS

Uttar Pradesh’s legislative assembly elects a new speaker today.

The assembly needs a new speaker as the previous, Hriday Narayan Dixit, did not contest the recent elections after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) dropped him from the ticket. The office is currently held by a pro-tem speaker—an MP temporarily appointed to enable the assembly’s function—from the BJP. Given the BJP’s clean sweep of the recent elections, winning 273 seats between its own candidates and those from allied parties, it is highly unlikely that their speaker nominee will be opposed.

As the most populous and fourth largest state in India, Uttar Pradesh has an outsize influence in the politics of the nation at large. The composition of its constituent assembly will prove to be reflective of larger political trends in India. Given the BJP’s absolute majority in Uttar Pradesh’s assembly, expect to see a further consolidation of BJP power. This is especially true as the BJP builds on electoral success in the north, in regions such as Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. Long-term, expect to see this regional success translated to the federal level, with the BJP continuing to hold government after the general election in 2024.

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