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US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate to visit the UK


US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate to visit the UK

Kerry UK
Photo: AFP/Getty

US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry will continue his trip to London today.

President Joe Biden’s administration is determined to take firm steps to lower high temperatures. In today’s visit, Envoy Kerry will express the necessity for the British government to work coordinately with the US to decrease carbon emissions. Kerry will also stress his concern over the UK’s prospective plan for a highly-pollutive coal mine in Cumbria.

Expect Washington to undertake a more dominant role in the international effort against climate change, as it will present a plan of action to the EU and the UK to reduce carbon emissions. In the lead up to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference scheduled for November,  Washington will urge its allies to allocate a higher percentage of their GDP to renewable energy projects such as wind turbines solar panels. However, it’s highly unlikely that Washington will get countries such as China on board—which has the world’s highest CO2 emissions— to collaboratively cut emissions during the long-term.  As Beijing is reluctant to participate in a climate action plan under Washington’s lead, expect it to follow its own scheme.

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