Togo’s opposition coalition will hold a political rally today in the city of Lome.
Known as the Dynamique Monseigneur Kpodzro (DMK), the coalition will gather to protest against the government’s failure to protect citizens from the inflation-induced cost of living increases. Prices of staple commodities have accelerated past 6%, twice the annual target. Togo spends around $20 million every month to curb price spikes on wheat, corn and fuel, a cost President Faure Gnassingbe has labeled unsustainable and aims to cut.
Today’s demonstration will take place despite the lack of authorization from the Togolese government, increasing the chance of a violent clash with the already elevated security presence. As for the increasingly uncontrollable inflation levels, expect the Central Bank of West African States — which sets monetary policy for Togo and the rest of the West African Monetary Union — to raise interest rates in the coming months. Togo, along with the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa will continue to be impacted in the short-term given the heavy reliance on agriculture and fuel. With fears of a recession looming in the near future, cries from the DMK and other opposition groups will only grow louder. However, dissent is likely to be suppressed under the Gnassingbe government and is unlikely to lead to any meaningful policy shift.
Ali is a Copy-Editor and Analyst on Daily Brief team, contributing regularly to the Daily Brief. He also leads the Foreign Brief Week in Review multimedia team. He focuses on political and development issues in the Middle East and North Africa.