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Swedish Armed Forces to train Ukrainian solders in the UK


Swedish Armed Forces to train Ukrainian solders in the UK

Swedish Armed Forces will arrive in the UK today to help train Ukrainian solders following the Nordic country’s ascension to NATO – Photo: Swedish Armed Forces

The Swedish Armed Forces will send military instructors to the UK today.

According to the Swedish government, up to 120 instructors will be sent to the UK to provide basic military training for Ukrainian citizens currently being trained in the UK. The move comes as part of a military program led by the UK which aims to rebuild Ukrainian forces by training an estimated 10,000 troops.

Sweden’s support of Ukraine’s war efforts follows its recent accession into NATO, which itself came three months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Sweden’s departure from its traditionally unaligned status indicates a desire to bolster national security and thwart Russian aggression. Despite having a small military, the addition of Swedish forces to NATO’s defense capabilities saw the addition of one of the most powerful air forces in Europe.

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Once Sweden officially joins NATO, Swedish enterprises with innovative solutions in the cybersecurity, aerospace and defense sector will be able to get their products to allies more cost effectively. Sweden’s accession into NATO also enhances security for the Baltic states, and in the Arctic where Russia has vested interests. Support for Ukraine will likely continue in the form of military aid packages and defense materials.

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