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Steve Bannon to speak in Europe as risk of populist governments rises


Steve Bannon to speak in Europe as risk of populist governments rises

Photo: TNS

Today, Steve Bannon will speak today in Zurich, Switzerland, at the invitation of the conservative Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche.

A former top advisor to United States President Donald Trump, Mr Bannon will be making his first public appearance in Europe to discuss his time in Trump’s White House along with his views on the future of populism in Europe.

Mr Bannon’s activity in the populist movement to date has focused on the grievances of American populists, lambasting the “mainstream media”, American liberals and the Republican Party “establishment”.

While often drawing parallels between his view of the American situation to the discontent that has led galvanised populism throughout Europe, he is only now beginning to show signs of increasing his presence in European politics. Take as an example his recent trip to Italy to lend support to the many populist parties involved in last Sunday’s election.

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Watch for the extent to which he actively involves himself in European politics going forward. Additionally, observe if and how he gives his American-centric views on populism a European twist, catering particularly to European views on economic and anti-migrant populism.

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