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North Korea threatens spy satellite launch by today


North Korea threatens spy satellite launch by today

North Korea launched spy satellite earlier than expected today.

Last week, North Korea announced it would launch a satellite before December 2 and warned the concerning parties in the Yellow and East China seas. After two unsuccessful attempts earlier this year, Pyongyang has accurately put Malligyong-1 in space. The satellite reportedly took pictures of the White House and Pentagon.

The launched is seen as a security concern by the international community, not only by regional states, such as Japan and South Korea, but also NATO and the US, who suspect of Russia’s involvement in the satellite’s development. After the launch, North Korea’s ambassador to the UN defended the initiative in the Security Council. The satellite is seen by the DPRK as part of their state’s legitimate right to develop, test, manufacture and possess weapons systems.

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In the short term the mutual suspension of the 2018 joint military accord is likely by both South Korea’s and the DPRK. In that sense joint military activities with the US are expected in the following month to investigate and dissuade any further launches. In the mid term, resolutions by the UN Security Council will certainly be blocked by China and specially Russia, who have come closer with the DPRK following the Ukraine invasion. However, in the mid to long term, expect the launched to further military cooperation in the Indo-Pacific  as South Korea build momentum to the strengthening of its partnerships  for a trilateral security with Japan and the US.

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