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Laos’ army to celebrate 75th anniversary


Laos’ army to celebrate 75th anniversary

Laos celebrates the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Lao’s People’s Army today.

A special committee has been appointed by the Laos Ministry of National Defence to prepare for the nationwide celebration. Events include local art and literary competitions and visitations by the country’s top leaders to military units within various provinces. Additional celebrations are also expected to include military exercises demonstrating counter terrorism strategies, hand combat tactics, boxing and martial arts by army personnel.

Despite ranking 112 of 145 in the annual Global Firepower Review, the Lao’s People’s Army have demonstrated their military prowess in the recent years, conducting joint counter terror military exercises with both Russia and China in order to enhance their defence capabilities.

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Other states, particularly China and Vietnam, have contributed to Lao’s celebrations as well. Ultimately, these diplomatic gestures have aimed to signify the solidarity and friendship between Laos with its two most important neighbours. The latter being crucial given Vientiane’s political structure, like Beijing and Hanoi, of being a governed by a communist one-party state as well. Ultimately, the support from its regional neighbours aims to not only enhance the Laotian army’s defence capabilities, but also to cement Beijing and Hanoi’s military relationship with the landlocked nation.

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