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Jordan’s 48-hour military imposed curfew to end today


Jordan’s 48-hour military imposed curfew to end today

الأردن يدخل في حظر تجوال شامل غدا الجمعة بسبب كورونا - صحيفة ... Photo: Muhhamad Hamed/Reuters

Jordan’s two-day curfew will end today. The measure was imposed by the military to combat the spread of COVID-19. Jordan has 402 confirmed cases and seven deaths.

Non-essential workers were only permitted to travel to grocery stores and pharmacies. While medical personnel and essential workers were exempt from the curfew, all residents could travel only by foot. This was the second attempt to impose a curfew in an effort to combat the disease. The first attempt on March 25 failed due to severe public backlash, forcing authorities to abandon the initiative.

COVID-19 has affected the Jordanian economy through two major channels. With limited natural resources, the country relies heavily on tourism and remittances from emigrant labour. However, international travel restrictions and quarantine measures have shut popular destinations like Petra. Additionally, after Saudi Arabia slashed oil prices, income from migrant labour in the Gulf has decreased.

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Photo: PTI

Given that its revenues are dependent on external circumstances, it is likely that Jordan will heavily depend on foreign aid in the medium term. With the World Bank predicting a 3.5% economic contraction in the coming year, expect a revival in income generation only after the pandemic has passed.

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