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International Army Games to begin in Russia


International Army Games to begin in Russia

Russia International Army Games
International Army Games in Russia | Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS via Getty Images

Russia will begin its 2022 International Army Games today.

The Games are an international military sport event hosted by the Russian Ministry of Defence. Between August 13-17, 275 teams from 37 countries will participate in this year’s games at various locations globally. They serve as an opportunity for countries to enhance cooperation and showcase their skills.

This year’s games have taken on a political edge following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While Western nations have repudiated Russia and enacted heavy sanctions, other countries, especially those who rely on Russian grain and oil, have continued to deal with Moscow. The number of countries participating highlight Russia’s continued support among some third world countries.

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Expect Russia to hail the success of these games as a diplomatic victory. Short-term, they will likely use them to promote their continued military prowess and global influence. Both have decreased on the world stage in recent months in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and their early poor performance in the war. Medium-term, Russia may use the games to push for increased trade with participant countries to offset the effect of Western sanctions. The West may respond with increased sanctions targeting those trading with Russia.

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