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Donlad Trumps welcomes Modi to the White House


Donlad Trumps welcomes Modi to the White House

Photo: Getty & Gage Skidmore
Photo: Getty & Gage Skidmore

Indian PM Narendra Modi will meet Donald Trump for the first time today. Mr Modi will seek to establish a rapport with the US president while discussing matters of mutual interest.

Security issues are likely to top the agenda. Both countries are on the frontlines in the combat against Islamic extremism and given conflict in Afghanistan and recent ISIS activity in India, increased collaboration with the US could significantly boost India’s national security.

But having previously expressed dissatisfaction at the trade deficit with India, Mr Trump’s “America First” policy could become a real hurdle for Modi. Trump’s dismay is reflected in the squabbles over immigration, particularly the issuance of H-1B visas. In response, US-based Indian firms have started employing more Americans.

The meeting will ultimately set the tone for future relations as President Trump assesses the countries’ current relationship.

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