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Kerala Innovation Week 2022 begins in India today


Kerala Innovation Week 2022 begins in India today

Kerala Innovation Week 2022
Kerala Innovation Week 2022
The Indian state of Kerala begins its Innovation Week 2022 today, hoping to create a collaborative innovation ecosystem in the state – Photo: News Experts

Kerala Innovation Week is set to kick off today.

India’s largest Design, Technology and Maker festival will be held in the Kerala Technology Innovation Zone in Kochi, where over 5,000 industry professionals will get a chance to unveil new designs. The project hopes to foster a more collaborative innovation ecosystem within the state of Kerala.

Expect the week’s proceedings to heavily emphasize enabling startups, professionals and students in the field. The state government of Kerala is likely to prioritize regional economic development and sees the development of an advanced digital infrastructure as key to doing so. In the long term, cultivating a productive tech sector will be a primary economic objective for India as a whole. Building a strong tech sector in India is urgent as the country is increasingly trying to move away from dependence on information systems from other nations. The recent conflict in Ukraine highlighted Indian mistrust stemming from heavy reliance on the West for global trade programs like SWIFT and Russia for military technology. Moreover, expect a greater prevalence of tech sector-related issues, notably the government crackdown on anti-competitive practices by big tech firms.

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