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Greenland to hold general elections amidst Trump controversy


Greenland to hold general elections amidst Trump controversy

Greenland holds its general elections today amidst an ongoing controversy surrounding US President Trump's statements of desiring to acquire the territory.

In light of President Donald Trump’s expressed interest in buying Greenland, the semi-autonomous Danish territory is set to hold its general elections today.

Since his inauguration, President Trump has cited security and financial interests in entertaining the idea of buying Greenland. The strategic geopolitical location of the American Pituffik Space Base, Trump argues, is critical for national security. Likewise, its abundant natural minerals attract American commercial interests. Responding to Trump, Greenland and Denmark’s governments dismissed his comments as preposterous and absurd. Instead, Trump’s rhetoric has inspired Greenland’s independence movement from Denmark and a nationwide fervor for self-determination. While there remains a consensus among Greenland’s parties to seek independence from Denmark, this election will highlight the differing opinions regarding its timing. Meanwhile, the proposition of American acquisition remains off the ballot and out of the question.

Despite Trump’s best efforts, the acquisition of Greenland remains highly unlikely. Although Trump’s claims of buying Greenland are unfounded under international law’s conventions of self-determination, he remains persistent in acquiring the territory ‘one way or the other.’ Alternatively, if Greenland gains independence from Denmark, it could hold a referendum to vote on statehood or ‘free association’ with the United States. However, surveys suggest that most Greenlanders oppose integration into the U.S., while only 6% favor acquisition. Instead, polls indicate Greenland supports independence from both Denmark and the United States. Today’s election will be pivotal in deciding whether or not the actualization of an independent Greenland is in the near future.

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