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Ghanaian president to visit Bono Region


Ghanaian president to visit Bono Region

Ghanaian president Bono Region
Photo: AFP/Getty

Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo will conclude his two-day trip to the Bono administrative region in western Ghana today.

President Akufo-Addo is expected to pay visits to high-profile regional council members and attend the mourning ceremony for the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) founding member Gabriel Kwame Awuah, who passed away last month. Akufo-Addo will also view the region’s municipal buildings and audit the highly costly Chiraa-Akwaasua road.

Local voter confidence in Akufo-Addo’s NPP—the center-right liberal conservative party— is on the wane, as the major opposition party, National Democratic Party (NDP) gained two parliamentary seats in the neighboring Bono-East region following the 2020 general elections. As Akufo-Addo is worried about the possible spread of the political dissatisfaction to neighboring Bono, he will likely increase investments in public service projects during the short-term to solidify his popularity amongst the local public. Akufo-Addo’s investments in education will align with the NPP’s policy to increase Ghana’s literacy rate in the long-term. With this initiative, Accra aims to boost its workforce and mass production which will reflect positively on Accra’s annual export rates of refined goods. Accra also aims become a regional power and serve as a model for its neighbors.

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