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Germany to reassess country’s COVID-19 response


Germany to reassess country’s COVID-19 response

Germany reasesses covid 19 response
Germany to reassess COVID-19 response – Photo: Jacobia Dahm/Vox

Germany’s federal and state leaders will meet in Berlin today to reassess the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some of the new policies that will be debated include shortening the quarantine period for COVID-19 infection to five days and a potential vaccine mandate for everyone 18 years or older. Although Germany has a relatively low seven-day incidence rate of around 256 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, its health minister Karl Lauterbach indicated that the real number of new infections may be up to three times as much as the official figures.

The German government has set the goal of having 80% of the population fully vaccinated by the end of January, but current figures show this is unlikely to be achieved. Currently, 71.4% of the population is fully vaccinated with 74.3% having at least one dose.

The participants in the meeting will likely agree to the reduced quarantine times but are unlikely to decide on a general vaccine mandate. Expect further restrictions to be placed on unvaccinated people and potentially on vaccinated individuals without a booster shot. These restrictions may negatively affect the popularity of the new government and lead to more protests.

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