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France to reassess immigration policy

France will convene an immigration control council today to assess its immigration policies in light of Saturday’s terrorist attack.
On Saturday, an Algerian national killed one man and injured seven others in a knife attack in the French city of Mulhouse. French President Emmanuel Macron called the attack an “Islamist terrorist act.” The attacker was on a terrorism watchlist and was arrested for glorifying terrorism in 2023. France had attempted to deport the man ten times but Algeria refused to accept him back into the country. These events have led Prime Minister François Bayrou to convene an immigration control council that will review France’s immigration policy, focusing on the difficulties France faces when it comes to expelling migrants.
The council will produce reports on the countries that pose the greatest challenges for the expulsion of immigrants. France has maintained a lenient immigration policy toward Algeria since the end of the oppressive French occupation of Algeria in 1962. However, the strained relationship between France and Algeria has made deportations difficult. Bilateral agreements have been effective in the past —a 2022 deal led to a tripling of the number of readmissions to Algeria—but reaching a deal with Algiers may prove difficult due to recent deteriorations of relations. In the absence of a new deal, France may take unilateral action, such as backing out of agreements that give Algerians preferential treatment when entering the country. While international cooperation remains crucial, the council may also recommend domestic measures such as streamlining the deportation process or taking a tougher stance on immigration in general.
Bobby is an analyst at Foreign Brief and a student of political science and international studies at Boston College.