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European Union to unveil wide-reaching Africa Strategy


European Union to unveil wide-reaching Africa Strategy

eu africa strategy
Photo: AFP/Getty

High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell will today unveil the EU’s new strategy for its relations with African nations.

With the combined African Union economy worth $2.5 trillion, there exists enormous economic potential stemming from a more connected continent. As a result, the EU’s facilitation of the new African Continental Free Trade Agreement—set to be implemented this summer—is critical to Africa’s economic progress.

To support the initiative, the EU seeks to invest heavily in transportation infrastructure, such as roads and railways, to link the burgeoning economic hubs of Nigeria and Kenya. Additionally, both blocs have voiced their commitment to combat the adverse environmental impacts that accompany economic development.

As of yet, the EU’s plan outlines broad goals spanning political and economic reforms but lacks comprehensive planning, something that the joint EU-AU summit this October hopes to address. Expect the project to be slow-moving due to the African Union’s hyper centralisation, as well as the persistent “African solutions to African problems” counter current. Additionally, the dearth of an adequate response to Africa’s war-torn conflict zones acts as a significant hurdle to infrastructure development and greater economic integration.

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