Home » Erdogan reinstated as party boss: Cabinet reshuffle expected
Erdogan reinstated as party boss: Cabinet reshuffle expected

On April 16, Turkey voted to solidify President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s grip on power. On Sunday, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) will consolidate these winnings by re-appointing Erdogan as its leader, uniting party control with the previously “non-partisan” presidency.
But given Mr Erdogan has maintained tight control over the party since he co-founded it in 2001, his reinstatement at Sunday’s congress is largely symbolic. Discussions on reshuffling the cabinet and tweaking the party agenda will provide more substance.
With an economy burdened by multiple political risk events—from coups to bombings to elections—President Erdogan is reportedly considering changes to his economic team. All up, 10 ministries are expected to be reassigned in a bid to solidify waning investor confidence.