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Delegates at Bonn UN Climate Conference to reaffirm Paris Accord


Delegates at Bonn UN Climate Conference to reaffirm Paris Accord

Photo: AP/Matthew Brown

Beginning today, world representatives gather in for two weeks of discussions at the UN Climate Change Conference. Their aim is to reaffirm the Paris Climate Agreement goals and ensure they are met.

Earlier this week, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Bonn to demand Germany phase out coal as a main source of power. At least 35% of Germany’s electricity production comes from coal.

Though other major European powers, like France and Italy, have pledged to phase out their use of coal, the German government remains ambivalent. If it continues its current rate of coal consumption, Berlin will certainly miss its 2020 goal of limiting CO2 output.

While many are hoping that the potential Jamaica coalition could lead to the country’s abandoning coal, CO2 emissions policy has actually been one of the main stumbling blocks to unity for the group. Though the environmentalist Green Party has been pushing to close Germany’s dirtiest coal power stations, the Christian and Free Democratic parties, which hold the most power, have little interest in pursuing such a plan.

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