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Organization of Eastern Caribbean States to commence 60th meeting


Organization of Eastern Caribbean States to commence 60th meeting

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The 60th meeting of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) will take place virtually today.

The OECS is an inter-governmental organization dedicated to support sustainable development through regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean. Member states are expected to discuss collective action in their post-pandemic economic recovery geared towards sustainability and the promise of a blue economy: sustainable use of the resources of oceans and seas for economic growth, improved livelihoods and improved health of the ocean’s ecosystems.

Expect the organization to likely use today’s meeting to continue building opportunities for more regional collaborative partnerships in the areas of ocean governance and marine issues. Particularly, the Caribbean Regional Oceanscape Project will be under discussion since the absence of collective data makes it difficult for states to formulate sustainable development policies while minimizing negative impacts. Additional focus will be on expanding joint efforts on pertinent established economic sectors like fisheries, tourism and shipping, as well as developing new sectors such as offshore renewable energy.

Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada and St Vincent and the Grenadines will also take a key role in enhancing the environment in support of a blue economy as members of the Commonwealth Blue Charter Action Group.

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