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Hong Kong civil servants to demonstrate amid anti-Beijing sentiment


Hong Kong civil servants to demonstrate amid anti-Beijing sentiment

LEGCO Complex 2011 Council Block02
Photo: Tksteven

Today, civil servants in Hong Kong will rally in Chater Garden – a public park close to the Legislative Council in downtown.

While it is quite unlikely that today’s demonstration will foment violence, this protest is unique – civil servants have yet to take the streets collectively in this year’s wave of protests. Indeed, it is currently illegal for Hong Kong’s civil servants to publicly engage in politics – a point that numerous Beijing spokespersons have highlighted. Authorities on the mainland have encouraged senior figures in Hong Kong government to disapprove of demonstrations.

The fact that civil servants are protesting indicates that some who serve in Hong Kong’s more pro-China administration are unhappy with the mainland’s aggressive responses, such as harsh police crackdown.

It is important to note that earlier this week the People’s Liberation Army released footage that highlighted that maintaining the sovereignty of China is the goal of utmost importance for the PLA.

See Also
Photo: AP/ Carly Petesch

Already under pressure from protestors, Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing Chief Executive Carrie Lam now appears to be coming under pressure from the people she relies on to administer the territory. She will either have to cave to the protestors or double-down to satisfy Beijing.

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