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UN General Assembly to hold special session on Ukraine reparations


UN General Assembly to hold special session on Ukraine reparations

Reparations to Ukraine for wartime destruction are on the UNGA table today with Russia staunchly opposed.
Photo: Eduardo Munoz/Reuters

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is expected today to approve a resolution calling on Russia to pay war reparations to Ukraine.

The draft resolution specifically recommends that the UNGA’s 193 member states create “an international register” to document claims of damage, loss, or injury to Ukrainians caused by Russia. More generally, it reaffirms Ukraine’s sovereignty and calls again on Russia to “cease its use of force against Ukraine.”

Today’s draft resolution, which will be voted on without debate, is all but certain to pass by a wide margin—but likely with several abstentions, including from major neural powers like India. If so, it would be the fifth UNGA resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. While UNGA resolutions are not legally binding—and Russia’s veto power in the 15-member Security Council forecloses the possibility of any action in that body—the resolution will further reinforce international condemnation of the war, strengthen Ukrainian morale and facilitate Kyiv’s reporting of war crimes and damages. 

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Photo: Javier Soriano/AFP/Getty Images

The effect on Russia is likely to be far less tangible. Expect Moscow to strongly condemn and ignore the resolution, continuing its military activities in the country and emphasizing that the conflict is between Ukraine and Russia alone.

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